Sunday, November 23, 2008

Meltdowns, swollen eyes, perma-headaches, and a wonderful ward....

Ya dig that pic? That is me at the end of my very rough day today. I have swollen eyes and have cried off every bit of makeup that I had on long ago. It has been a very....emotional day. Dustin got up and left this morning at 5 to go on a road trip with the basketball team. He won't be back til Thanksgiving Day. But I won't be here. Jack and I are going to Utah for Thanksgiving and won't come back until next Saturday or Sunday. So we won't see Dustin for a whole week, including on the lovely holiday of Thanksgiving and I think that just plain sucks. So that makes me a tad emotional. Jack loves his daddy VERY much. When his Daddy isn't here, I think it makes him angry, annoyed, confused, whatever and so he chooses to act a little naughty and be a little stinker....which is what he did today at church. I probably got to actually sit in Sacrament meeting today for maybe 10 minutes. Jack has this new move where he arches his back and tries to slide out of your arms and off your lap. It is accompanied by a super annoying whine which he recently developed. One of my dear friends could tell I was one whine away from losing it I think, so she took Jack during Sunday school. I think her kind act is what finally set the water works in motion, and they haven't stopped all day. After Sunday school and many caring "Are you ok?" from fellow church members, I was still crying so another wonderful sister in the ward took Jack during Relief Society and told me to go in an try to enjoy Relief Society. I went outside and tried to compose myself (where two wonderful sisters came to check on me and make me feel better by telling me that everyone has emotional days, I am a good mom, and that they loved me, etc) I went back into class. I cried the whole time in there, but it was a great lesson on gaining knowledge. I had sisters come and ask me if I was okay, give me hugs, bring me Kleenexs. Seriously, at least 10 people helped me or tried to comfort me at church. I have the most amazing ward and friends. They were wonderful. But all day I still kept crying. I cried over Dustin being gone. I cried over us being apart for yet another holiday. I cried for Jack's naughtiness. I cried because I felt like an awful mother. I cried for Jack for not getting his Daddy for a whole week. I cried because everyone was so nice to me at church. I cried because I was embarrassed that I couldn't stop crying....etc. I am sure you get the point. Anyways, yay for wonderful church members who love and support me. Yay for a son who I love so stinkin much and is SO cute but can be a little stinker sometimes, Yay for meltdowns, and Yay for the crazy things that hormones do to you right before that special time of the month. (Sorry if that is too much information). And yay for puppies who usually annoy the crap out of me but today was very loving and supportive. Thanks people in my ward, thanks friends, and thanks Chewie, I survived today. Tomorrow is a new bright day...hopefully! :)