Thursday, May 28, 2009

A couple of pounds and bring on the summer time!!

LIfe is trucking along at a crazy speed it seems.  I cannot believe I am already nearing my first completed year of teaching!  It seems like I just started, but there were also times when I never thought I would make it to the end of the year!  I am a bit torn at the end of this school year.....I already signed my contract, so I will be teaching again next year.  Not quite sure I want to, but it looks like I am doing it anyway.  But I am also amazed at how much I learned and how much better I think I will do next year with a year of hit and misses under my belt.  (I kind of feel bad for my students that were my trial run this year.....But I think they learned some good things, had a good time, and I guess I just have to liv and learn!)  But I am also sad that I won't have my group of 7th graders next year for any classes because I don't teach any 8th grade classes.  I really will miss them. They are an annoying, crazy, misbehaving, irresponsible bunch of stinky kids, but they are also amazingly intelligent, articulate, talented, and deep.  I will miss teaching them next year.  I hope next year goes better.  I hope I enjoy it more, get everything done I need to, and like the new students.  But I am SO SO SO SO glad for summer now!  How exciting to NOT have to think about school, lesson plans, etc for almost 3 whole months!  Wahoo!  Bring on the summer time!  Oh, and I am doing alright in the weight loss department.  I have lost a few more pounds, but still not where I want to be.  I have a couple more weeks to lose a bit more before family reunions!  For some reason, I think without the stress and craziness of school I might be able to lose weight a little easier....Hopefully anyway! :)