Student: This homework was so hard. My mom got a Phd in grammatical studies and she didn't get it!
Mrs. E: Really?? Your mom got a Phd in grammatical studies? Wow!
Student: Ummmmm..... or something like that!
Yeah kid, "something like that." Could it have been linguistics, semantics, or anything else. because maybe I am wrong, but I am sorry cuz I don't think there are any Phds out there for "grammatical studies." AND if there are, what a seriously LAME Phd. What do you study, the philosophy of grammar? I wanna know what she wrote her dissertation on? Commas? Great to hear the kids say later as we graded it, "I can't wait to show my mom how wrong she was on this worksheet!" Really, so she does your homework for you? Maybe if your mom with a Phd in grammatical studies doesn't "get" a worksheet copied straight out of a middle school grammar book, then she is in the wrong line of work.....or her education was a bit fat waste of time.
The End