Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Future Walmart Greeter

This may just look like a picture of ramdom, happy Walmart employee, but this is actually going to be me in 60 years! That's right! I think Dustin thinks I am kidding when I tell him that when I am an old lady I want to be a Walmart Greeter! I seriously do! I think it would be great fun to sit on my butt and say, "Welcome to Walmart" all day long! Mostly it would be fun to people watch, and see what kind of reactions I get as I address people in my loud, startleing, old woman voice. I would be a good greeter though, amazing actually., - A happy soul, not like the lady who works at our Walmart who says, "Welcome to Walmart" with a deep scowling frown on her face in a grufff, mean, growling voice. No that's not how a Greeter should be at all. I will be a great Walmart Greeter one day. Seriously. Wait and see.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Being a Walmart greeter is fne ... but don't be the kind that fetches carts for people as well. Hello, I am young, vibrant, capable woman who can fetch my old cart! I feel guilty having a feeble, brittle, senior citzen getting one for me. Sit on a bench or a tall stool maybe ... and dye your hair funny colors, that will make you stand out more ... And wear cheap, elaborate jewlery. If you abide by the following, I will come in weekly to see you. :)