Monday, September 27, 2010

Triathlon: The Results

I did it! I competed in and completed my first sprint triathlon. (I say first because it was so fun that I totally would like to do more!) Pardon my ummm.....pride, but I did it 4 months out from having a baby by c-section, on a torn ACL, with only a few weeks of training, on a mountain bike, and after having been up in the night with my kids several times! It felt good. There were only 8 total people competing, and I got last. But I met the time goal I set (barely). I came in at 1 hour and 14 minutes. My goal was 1 hour and 15 minutes!
Here I am before the race with Zander
One of my cheerleaders....sleeping.
My other cheerleader. Jack was great. He had his pom-pom and at different spots along the race he was cheering his little heart out for me!
I can't believe I am posting this picture of me, let alone that I actually let Dustin take it....But may it be motivation for me to get rid of those fat rolls and thunder thighs! :)
Swimming - it was my nemesis! I was totally the last one in the pool, and it took me nearly 20 minutes to swim 500 yards. It made everyone else quite a bit of distance ahead of me so I was alone the rest of the race too. I did it though, and I am proud of myself cuz I am definitely NOT a swimmer. Notice my awesome nose plug....yeah, I am cool.
Biking heading out was brutal, but coming back felt so much easier!
Running 5k.....The running part actually didn't feel to bad after the first few wobbly steps off the bike. I actually think I could have pushed harder. That kind of bugs, but next time I know.....
Jack came down and greeted me about last 20 yards, cheering for me all the way! I picked him up and finished the race! An amazing 51 year old lady who probably finished at least 10-20 minutes before me was cheering me on yelling, "Now that's a mama!" All the other people doing it were so encouraging and awesome!
Finishing! I love the smiles on both our faces! I felt good and proud!
After the race. I was all tears and smiles. I was proud of myself. Dustin was proud of me. And it just felt good to have accomplished something like this and done it for me, for fun!

There will definitely be more races in the future! Maybe I can get my sister.....or Dustin to do one with me.... :)


Sandra said...

Yay!!! I loved all the pictures! You should be so proud of yourself - ESPECIALLY after just having a baby, via c-sec no less! Oh, and the torn ACL! Amazing! Way to go, Heather! :)

Ruth Emmett said...

Found your blog through Mindy...:) Good job that is so awesome!!

PS: I swim with nose plugs AND ear plugs. :)

Shauna Hansen said...

I have the privilege of being the mom of this amazing, wonderful woman. I am so proud of you, Heather, for accomplishing this goal. You can continue to do whatever you put your mind to. Just think of all the other woman in Laramie that did not even attempt this triathlon. Keep setting the small goals and they can turn into big ones. I love you!!!

Cory & Rebeca said...

Heather you are awesome!!! That helps motivate me to keep pushing w/losing the baby weight from mr jens. I will totally do a triathlon with you just say when- i've been running and biking and am planning on getting our membership back at the rec so i can start swimming (even though like you it is not my cup of tea). Love you and miss you!

D.B. said...

They just did an Indoor Sprint Tri at the Rec Center, not sure when the next one is?